17-June-2023 | 9 AM to 4 PM
One Day Workshop on Theory Construction in Biology
Facilitation Team
Consultant Team

(Bioinformatics Institute A*STAR, Singapore)

(IISER Pune, India)
Biology is widely known as an experimental science. However, contrary to this popular notion, it is a rich terrain for theory construction. This workshop seeks to provide a rudimentary introduction to the art and craft of theory construction in biology as a foundation for learning, inquiry and research in Biology. It necessarily involves critical thinking, and critical reading as well.
Who is this workshop for?
Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students in the life sciences, health sciences, and medical sciences.
What can you expect out of the workshop?
get a rudimentary idea of what a (biological) theory is;
get a glimpse of the core concepts involved in biological theory construction; and
develop rudimentary abilities for theory construction.
For more details, read the below document.
What is the mode of conduct of the workshop?
The workshop will be held in the online mode.
How to register for the workshop?
Fill in the details asked for in this form: https://forms.gle/25T3sc49pV5kiNTs5
Cost for the workshop:
The workshop is free of cost.
No certificate will be provided
About the Workshop